Tuesday, February 19, 2008

While I Wasn't Paying Attention...

In the last two days, Fidel Castro resigned, Kosovo declared its independence, and Musharraf's party got crushed at the polls. It occurs to me that it may be time for us to let sleeping dogs lie: the Barack Obama Hillary Clinton spat isn't going to be resolved for at least a month, and possibly much, much longer. In light of this, and of the fact that yes, things do happen in the world even during major US elections, I pledge not to write at all on the election until the convention opens in Denver. In fact, I will, as painful as this is to say, refrain from even reading anything about the election save actual results from the contests. I urge you all to join me in paying attention to the rest of the world for a while.


Anonymous said...

Um, it's actually not all that difficult to pay good attention to both. In fact, these recent events are probably going to play huge roles in the general election, if not the upcoming primaries.

The Quiet American said...

For those of us with self control, perhaps it is possible to pay attention to both. But the fact is, the political news cycle completely erodes long-term perspective. I find it hard to believe Super Tuesday was just a brief fortnight ago. It seems like ancient history.

Anonymous said...

you really aren't even going to read anything? really?

Anonymous said...

you are right, however, in saying those in the US need to pay attention to the rest of the world. we do have a tendency to be so egocentric, much to our national detriment.