Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well Well....

I am back from my break, and quite a bit has happened while I was gone, it seems. Israel has taken upon itself to launch a war, and Iraq, not to be outdone, has what can fairly be called a real civil war on its hands. But back in the States another civil war has sprung up. It seems to be taking place here in Connecticut! Yes, out here among the Mercedes SUVs and country clubs, (not to mention abject poverty) the battle over the future of the Democratic Party is taking place. It seems that other bloggers have done quite a bit to elevate Mr. Lamont's challenge to the national stage. I was surprised to read that Mr. Lamont's once-Quixotic effort has propelled him slightly over Lieberman in the polls. It now appears that Lamont may actually win the primary. If someone had told me that six months ago, I would have laughed. Which is itself an encouraging sign, regardless of who comes out on top on August 8th. It gives me encouragement that perhaps we aren't doomed to a mediocre Presidential contest in 2008, between candidates who are too afraid to suggest any real ideas. After Bush's 8 years, it will be no time for leadership by sound bite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's more is that Lamont's campaign is aimed at the goal of the U.S. Senate, which is the greatest breeding ground for overcompromisation and corruption. At least the House does not have ridiculous state grant issues...